Services / Website Development

Want user-friendly, fast loading, scalable website solutions?

Get eCommerce, LMS, WordPress, or any custom website solution your business requires whilst ensuring that it is fast loading, scalable, and with SEO friendly code so that your website is ready to launch the moment it is done.
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Website development tale

What Is Web Development And Why Do You Need One?

Website development is the process of creating your shop or business presence online. Web and browsers have a language they understand which is HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, and many more. Using these languages a lot of CMS's are built like WordPress, Magento, Drupal, Shopify, and many more. Using a CMS means that a lot of coding that goes behind the front-end (what users see) is saved like creating a backend to manage the data on the front end, dynamic data loops, database setup, etc.
So choose the right website development method by checking out our entire website development guide.
Search engine marketing campaign and research

Do you even need Website Development?

If you wish to take your business digital, then website development is a must because you need a place where all your traffic can be redirected.
In this digital age, having a website is as trust generating as visiting a shop or a store. Your domain name is your address and your hosting (where your website files reside) is the land. Whatever you build on top of it should be sturdy built, scaleable and beautiful enough to attract traffic to buy from you.

Benefits of Website Development

Your website is one place where you can redirect all your traffic to convert. Also, with a website, you can rely on organic traffic generation methods like SEO and SMO which over the period of time adds up and makes your business generation process, self reliant.
It's a product that sells in itself. You can make a website that solves a problem in a form of a tool. Or it can be a product for you that sells your other products, for example, if you are a coach, a Learning management website will become a product that sells your pre-recorded courses to the audience. Once you are done with recording the courses and upload them on the website,  your one product will keep on putting money in your bank with whatever traffic that converts on your site.
Today website has become synonymous with your brand identity. Whenever someone wishes to understand what you do, they ask for a website URL so that they can learn more deeply about you
Having a website means that you have invested in your brand and as your domain value goes up and your brand becomes more and more popular, it becomes more and more reliable to make a purchase from. Website presence generates trust even amongst the people you wish to hire as they check your website before coming for the interview. Imagine how important it would be for your potential client considering hiring you?
Benefits of SEO

Our Pricing

One Pager Website
Wordpress Website
E-commerce Website
Package Includes:
Onboarding, knowledge transfer and documentation
Analyzing competitors and suggested sites and select a technology stack.
Replicating the design front end with html css, javascript or on CMS.
Adding backend functionality like email submissions, contact form submission, database creation
Mobile responsiveness
Optimizing it for speed
Additional 20% OFF For Female Entrepreneurs
Begin Onboarding Right Now
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2 Employees worth of work for half the price-
Onboarding, knowledge transfer and documentation
Competitor analysis for design (if UI and UX design is not done)
Jotting down and sharing templates for approval (if UI and UX design is not done)
Installing WordPress on the server provided by you
Installing Oxygen Builder and disabling theme functionality
Installing only necessary plugins as per your business requirement
Front End Development of the site pages
PHP files editing for functionality requirement
Javascript for functionality and animation
Up to 10 pages website included in this package with 60 per page addition
Making website mobile responsive
User testing and bug fixing
Additional 20% OFF On Yearly Packages
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Pay Less Than 1 Employee Salary, Get More Than 3 Employees Worth Of Work
Onboarding, knowledge transfer and documentation
Competitor analysis for design (if UI and UX design is not done)
Jotting down and sharing templates for approval (if UI and UX design is not done)
Installing WordPress on the server provided by you
Installing Oxygen Builder and disabling theme functionality
Installing and Setting up Woocommerce
Installing Woo-Commerce oxygen add on
Installing only necessary plugins as per your business requirement
Front End Development of the site pages
PHP files editing for functionality requirement
Javascript for functionality and animation
Up to 10 pages website included in this package with £60 per page addition
Up to 20 products listings with additional product addition at £10 pounds/ product
Making website mobile responsive
User testing and bug fixing
Additional 20% OFF On Yearly Packages
Download The Proposal
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UI and UX Design

(Bring Your Idea To Life)
If you are just at the ideation stage and want to see how it will turn out before development or maybe you want to upgrade your product sales with the same traffic you have, get it designed by our creative designers with a deep understanding of human behaviour to ensure that not only your idea looks aesthetically pleasing, its user experience is top-notch so that it is loved by your users.
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(Search Engine Optimization)
If you are done with developing your website, now is the time to ensure that it is ready for the search engines and to be crawled and ranked organically. Ensure that your website gets traffic from the people looking for your services without paying to google or social media. Your organic rankings helps you gain more trust in the market and the data you gather is so authentic that it can be used by any traction channel you later invest in for more traffic.
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Traction Tales is a Digital Marketing agency whose parent brand, Rudram Market Development, has 20 yrs experience in experiential marketing, exhibits, and events. Traction tales started with the aim to replicate the success Rudram got into the digital realm.


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